We as Japanese Musicians are singing, 'We are the World', for all the people of the world that endured in the struggle together.
This project began on April 7th 2020. During this time Japan was placed under a State of Emergency. The final touches were complete and published on July 1st, 2020. Even today we still can't see the resolution of the times. People are dying and suffering from COVID19 throughout the world, even now.
We would all like to give thanks to the Medical Personnel that work around the clock each day. We would like to give back to the world by joining in harmony from the Far East.
今年、地球上で起きた恐怖の時間を一緒に超えた世界の仲間にむけて日本のミュージシャンが奏でるWe are the worldです。このプロジェクトは2020年4月7日、非常事態宣言と共に開始し、7月1日まだコロナ禍の先行きが不透明な中、発表いたしました。今もなお世界中で苦しんでいる方や亡くなる方がいらっしゃる現状、医療機関の最先端で日夜戦っている医療従事者、フロントワーカーの皆様へ感謝の意を送るとともに、この極東の地から歌で想いを捧げる事が出来ればと願っています。